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Opm-630a Form: What You Should Know

After the transfer, the leave recipient no longer possesses the required level of entitlement and should have his or her status recorded as a returnee under the Voluntary Leave Act. Note: A recent administrative change to the Voluntary Leave Act mandates that agencies record the status of all leave recipients as returnees (the “voluntary date”) on this official form as described in the August 2025 update in OPM 517-00. This change also affects the requirements for the receipt of leave. When using this form, “returnee” should be construed to mean anyone who is entitled to the benefits of statutory leave that will become effective once the mandatory retirement age has been reached. The “voluntary date” is the date the participant is expected to return from the statutory leave. Note: The agency may use OPM 630c for all other purposes which may include records of leave status. Form 630c may be used, for example, for reporting the status of the leave recipient (or the recipient's successor) as a new arrival as a result of the voluntary transfer. Note that the agency should not list any leave status on the form even when it is a required reporting practice for purposes of OPM 630c. OPM 630F, Annual Leave Recipient: Current Status. August 13, 2013. This report is for the reporting of the current status of a former voluntary recipient of statutory leave who leaves the agency as of a date that is no longer defined as statutory leave. You may not use this form to report the current status of a person who does not leave the agency for any reason, even if all of his/her conditions and qualifications on the statutory leave certification form are changed to no longer meet the statutory condition or qualification for statutory leave. However, all of those changes are incorporated as part of each new voluntary date report as described above. The current status of the person is still the status of statutory leave recipient if the mandatory retirement age is exceeded. This form may be used to report the current status of a person who is involuntarily separated from the agency. The employee will be listed in this report as a “separated” employee. Note: The agency will use “current” or “former” in place of “former” and “current status” unless you have asked for a different report. As far as I know, this document includes no information on the reasons the person left the agency. OPM 630G, Annual Leave Recipient: Former Mandatory Returnee, Current Status.

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